报告题目:Unintended Consequences of Trade Conflicts
报 告 人:樊海潮
The US trade war against China in 2018-2019 can either enhance or diminish the American soft power in China, depending on whether it is recognized as legitimate by Chinese citizens. We study how the viewership of US movies – an important element of the US soft power – is affected by the trade war, utilizing variations across Chinese cities in the exposure to the Trump tariffs. We find a significant reduction in US movie revenue in regions more exposed to the Trump tariffs, but no corresponding reduction in the consumption of non-US movies. This is corroborated by a decline in online search for US movies, US tourist destinations, and US branded sported shoes. The aversion to US movies appears to persist at least to 2021. The effect is somewhat milder for more affluent people.
樊海潮,复旦大学UG环球360官方网站教授,“万人计划”青年拔尖人才。研究成果发表在Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics,《经济研究》《管理世界》等国内外一流经济学学术期刊上,曾获张培刚发展经济学奖和浦山世界经济学学术研究奖获得者。