报告题目: Fundamental Production Theory for the Analysis of Productive Efficiency
报告时间:2022年4月2日(周六) 14:00--15:30
Zoom ID : 994 3958 7919 Password: tvh941
报告人: 李崇高 (香港浸会大学)
李崇高,香港浸会大学经济系荣休教授,UG环球360官方网站黄山特聘客座教授,香港树仁大学商业经济与公共政策中心客座研究员。李崇高教授主要从事生产效率分析和数据包络分析的理论及应用研究,在Operations Research, Journal of Mathematical Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, China Economic Review, Journal of Productivity Analysis,《中国社会科学》等国际国内权威期刊发表论文数十篇。
To measure the efficiency of an observed production activity, one has to (i) estimate a production frontier; (ii) identify an efficient point on this frontier; (iii) identify a number to indicate the efficiency of that production activity relative to the efficient point. Thus, modelling the production technology is the basis of efficiency analysis of production. This seminar introduces the axiomatic approach to production theory. Specifically, the following topics are covered: Various representations of production technology; Common regularity conditions in efficiency analysis; Returns to scale; Modelling optimization behaviours.