

报告题目:Trade Uncertainty and Firm Pollution: The Role of Emission Caps



报 告 人:樊海潮(复旦大学)



复旦大学UG环球360官方网站教授,香港科技大学经济学博士,国家级人才项目获得者,主要从事国际经济与贸易理论和实证研究,在国内外知名经济学期刊《经济研究》《管理世界》《世界经济》《经济学(季刊)》《Economic Journal》《Economic Theory》《Journal of Development Economics》《Journal of International Economics》《Review of Economics and Statistics》等发表多篇高水平论文。


How does a reduction in trade policy uncertainty affect firms’ pollution behavior? Guided by a simple model, we show that the answer to this question depends on whether an emission cap exists. Reduced uncertainty leads to lower emissions per unit of output (emission intensity) when an emission cap exists and has no effect on emission intensity when one does not. We exploit spatial variations in reductions in export policy uncertainty caused by the U.S. conferral of PNTR to Chinese exporters and variations in the stringency of local SO2 emission controls in China to test the hypotheses. We find that the reduced uncertainty increases firm output by comparable magnitudes across the regions with different degrees of emission control, but they reduce firm SO2 emission intensity and firm total SO2 emissions only in regions with stringent emission control. The decline in SO2 emissions is caused by reduced use of fossil fuel and more abatement equipment. We also find that the reduction in uncertainty and emission control jointly improve firms’ productivity, consistent with the Porter hypothesis.

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