The Joint Impact of Carbon Market on Carbon Emissions, Energy Mix, and Co-pollutants


报告时间202164(周五) 10:00-11:30


报告人谭睿鹏老师 (南京大学)




谭睿鹏, 2019年博士毕业于厦门大学UG环球360官方网站,现任南京大学环境学院环境规划与管理系助理研究员。主要研究领域为环境与能源经济学,研究成果发表于《经济研究》,《Journal of Development Economics》,《Energy Economics,Energy Policy》《Journal of Environmental Management》等期刊。



We investigate whether and to what extent the carbon market is effective in the context of the developing world. Taking advantage of a unique five-year-plant-level panel dataset (2011-2015) on Chinese power plants, we use a matched  difference-in-differences (DiD) estimation to identify the joint impact of China's carbon emissions trading (CET) pilot policy on carbon emissions reduction (objective), energy mix improvement (mechanism), and air co-pollutants reduction (co-benefits). We find that China's CET pilot policy effectively lowered carbon emissions by approximately 15.2%. Further analysis shows that plants reduce carbon emissions mainly by cutting down the coal consumption (by approximately 11.6%). Most importantly, China's CET pilot policy also induces substantial co-benefits in air co-pollutants abatement, lowering sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), dust by approximately 21.2%, 30.1%, 34.2%. Plants with small scale and non-stated owned are more affected by China's CET pilot policy, and the policy effects show disproportionate environmental inequality.



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