

报告题目:Environmental Regulation and Export Product Quality: Evidence from China (环境治理对出口产品质量影响:中国案例分析)






报告摘要The Chinese government adopted a series of pollution reduction targets in its eleventh five-year (2006-2010) economic development program. Whether this program can achieve its goal of pollution reduction and quality improvement for exports is of vital importance for China’s sustainable development. This report aims to investigate the effects of these environmental regulation policies on export product quality by using the quasi-difference-in-difference method. Empirical results show that the implementation of these pollution reduction targets significantly reduces export product quality. This negative impact is more profound in western regions, capital-intensive sectors and privately-owned firms. Moreover, the negative effect is only observed among firms exporting to non-OECD countries, whereas the export quality of firms exporting to OECD countries is positively affected by the new policy. Lastly, our extended analysis shows that the negative effects can be mitigated through product switching within the firms.

报告人简介吴延瑞教授现任西澳大学商学院经济系主任,终身教授,博士生导师,合肥工业大学“黄山学者”特聘教授;中国科技大学、东南大学、华北电力大学客座教授;曾任澳大利亚中国经济研究会会长,北京大学中国经济研究中心访问研究员,新加坡国立大学东亚研究所高级访问研究员,香港浸会大学经济学系、南开大学UG环球360官方网站、悉尼大学(Orange分校)亚洲农业商务研究中心和暨南大学的访问教授。主要研究领域为发展经济学、国际贸易、区域经济学和应用计量经济学。已成功申请并完成40个科研项目,出版17本书(7本专著),在Journal of Comparative Economics, Energy Economics, 经济研究等国内外期刊发表近84篇论文和68篇匿名审稿书的章节等,个人著作涉及中国经济、亚太经济、创新和技术进步、经济增长和生产率增长分析。

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